• (520) 477-7786
  • joshuamangels@gmail.com

A Note To The Kid Down The Street For July 4th

I haven’t forgotten you. We grew up on the same street. You and your family moved in just after my family. We all played war, tag, hide-and-go-seek and we played video games at your house until your father got upset.

We all grew up and went separate ways. When 9-11 happened, you, like many young men, enlisted. You hardly finished boot camp and they sent you off to do your patriotic duty.

I remember admiring your patriotism and courage.

You were a young man of principle and duty, and a lover of your country.

You died within a couple weeks of arriving to the war zone.

I remember hearing the news in disbelief; how could you have died, it seems you had just enlisted?

I remember you on these patriotic holidays and the other young men like you. I believe you wanted to stand up for your country, your family and our way of life. I believe you wanted to be honorable, patriotic and courageous. I remember and pray for your family and for the families of all those who’ve lost loved ones to these wars in foreign lands.

Rest In Peace


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Written By Joshua Mangels

Joshua Mangels is a Christ Follower, Husband, Father, and Mortgage Loan Officer residing in the Arizona area with his beautiful family. He was born and raised in Seattle, WA, in a Christ & Family centered home growing up with Christian values and beliefs that have helped mold him into the person he is today. Joshua has a passion for sharing his faith with others and along with his wife Teresa have helped many people come to Faith in Christ.

July 2, 2021

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